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With sciences, with human nature. To understand that it is our Tomorrow that determines today. #MonetarySystem #SystemicCrisis #Gold #Geoeconomics #BRICS #NewAustrianEcon #EcologicalCrisis #Sociopolitics #History #DeepState #Transition. CC BY-SA 4.0 Int.


Publié par Dr. Bruno Paul

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Editeur et Directeur de publication du site Conscience Sociale : Dr. Bruno Paul


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À propos

With sciences, with human nature. To understand that it is our Tomorrow that determines today. #MonetarySystem #SystemicCrisis #Gold #Geoeconomics #BRICS #NewAustrianEcon #EcologicalCrisis #Sociopolitics #History #DeepState #Transition. CC BY-SA 4.0 Int.